Meeting Minutes:

Special Meeting

This Meeting Occurred:

November 20, 2024

4:00 PM

At New Prague Fire Hall

Posted By: Clerk Of Helena Township
On: 12/08/24

The Meeting Minutes Were Recorded As Follows:

Helena Township Board of Supervisors

Special Meeting Minutes

Minutes of 11/20/2024 |New Prague Fire Hall


Call to Order









Special Meeting














Motion to Adjourn

Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Wermerskirchen at 4:03 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Chairperson Duane Deutsch (arrived at 4:19 p.m.), Supervisor John Wermerskirchen, Supervisor Edward Nytes, Clerk Heather Taylor DuCharme, Deputy Clerk DeAnn Croatt, Road Overseer Jeff Haag, Township Attorney Robert Ruppe, and Township Engineer Andrew Vistad were present. Not present was Treasurer Nathan Hutton.


Discussion and review of Schoenbauer Farms/AA Endeavors drain tile status and developer agreement, including:

1.       255th Portion, Lots 2-7: no current easements for drain tile; current approved plans need to be complied with; cutting may impact upstream farmer; options (move drain tile to north/south easement along Lot 7 to most southerly east/west easement, record additional easements, other); process of breaking/interrupting drain tile; review of maps.

2.       Delmar Portion: unmapped tile on Lot 12 and easement; need to break/interrupt drain tiling; current approved plans need to be complied with.

3.       Small escrow and large escrow balances; recommendations for if/when to reduce large escrow.


At 5 p.m. on motion by Wermerskirchen/Nytes, special meeting adjourned; carried unanimously.




                Dated:                                                                                   Dated:                                                                  


Respectfully submitted                                                 Approved




Heather M. Taylor DuCharme, Clerk                         Duane Deutsch, Chairperson




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