Meeting Minutes:

Monthly Meeting

This Meeting Occurred:

September 5, 2024

6:00 PM

At New Prague Fire Hall

Posted By: Clerk Of Helena Township
On: 10/07/24

The Meeting Minutes Were Recorded As Follows:

Helena Township Board of Supervisors

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

Minutes of 9/5/2024 |New Prague Fire Hall


Call to Order














Discussion of Claims


















Claims Approved and Paid























New Receipts












Township Recommendation Form Request







Clerk Items









Deputy Clerk



Treasurer Items










Supervisor Items










Snowplow Quotes































Road Report
























Reconvene Annual Meeting





















Old/Other/New Items






















Motion to Continue

Regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairperson Deutsch at 6 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


Chairperson Duane Deutsch, Supervisor John Wermerskirchen, Supervisor Edward Nytes, Treasurer Nathan Hutton, Clerk Heather Taylor DuCharme, and Deputy Clerk DeAnn Croatt were present for entire meeting. Road Overseer Jeff Haag was not present. Conrad Anderson (CLA Construction), Bryn Thomas, and Jon Hendricks were present from 6 p.m. – 6:15 p.m. Jason Haugen and Tom Johnson were present from 6 p.m. – 7:05 p.m.


Review by Supervisors of proposed 8/8/2024 and 8/21/2024 meeting minutes. On motion by Nytes/Wermerskirchen, minutes approved as presented; carried unanimously.


Review of claims for approval and discussion. Discussion of correction for overpayment of Road Overseer claim in August and additional August claims due to primary election wages and costs. After review of claims and on motion by Nytes/Wermerskirchen, all claims were approved as presented for payment, including checks 6886-6914 and four ACHs totaling $18,986.87; carried unanimously. Roll call votes: Deutsch – yes; Nytes – yes; Wermerskirchen – yes. Pursuant to request by Treasurer and on motion by Nytes/Wermerskirchen, transfer of $18,986.87 from savings account to checking account approved; carried unanimously.


AMENDMENT PURSUANT TO 9/18/2024 WORKSHOP MEETING: There was a rounding error for the amount to be paid to PERA at the 9/5/2024 meeting. The amount to be paid to PERA was stated as $1,332.03 but should have been $1,332.02, which changes the total checks and ACHs to $18,986.86 (not $18,896.87). On motion by Nytes/Deutsch at 9/18/2024 meeting, corrected amount of $1,332.02 approved for payment, corrected total amount paid approved as $18,896.86, and 9/5/2024 minutes approved for amendment; carried by quorum.


Check# Amount Payee Reason/Purpose
ACH $537.52 First State Bank & Trust Credit Card
ACH $592.89 MN Dept. Revenue Taxes/Withholding
ACH $1,332.02 PERA Pension
ACH $3,706.22 Internal Revenue Service Taxes/Withholding
6886 $3,465.00 Art Johnson Trucking, Inc. Gravel/Grading
6887 $290.00 Couri & Ruppe PLLP Legal Fees
6888 $400.00 Steve Rynda Construction and Landscape LLC Park Maintenance
6889-6895 $3,797.57 Board/Employees Salary/Meeting Fees/Reimbursements
6896-6913 $4,388.20 Election Judges Primary Election Wages/Reimbursements
6914 $477.44 Ettlin’s Café Primary Election


Date Amount Payor Purpose/Reason
8/1/2024 $2.00 Heather M. Taylor DuCharme Filing Fee
8/9/2024 $594.89 DNR PILT
8/12/2024 $73.31 State of Minnesota ORI
8/12/2024 $2.00 DeAnn Croatt Filing Fee
8/13/2024 $2.00 Duane Deutsch Filing Fee
8/31/2024 $312.06 Optima Plus Interest
8/31/2024 247.84 Riverland Bank Interest


Bryn Thomas, Jon Hendricks, and Conrad Anderson (CLA Construction) were present at the meeting to request a Township Recommendation Form. Thomas is building a home on the Hope Acres plat. Supervisors reviewed the plans and survey and asked Thomas, Hendricks, and Anderson relevant questions about easements and compliance with Township and County ordinances. On motion by Wermerskirchen/Nytes, execution of a township recommendation form was approved; carried unanimously. Clerk to email copy of executed form to Anderson for Anderson to provide to the County.


Clerk presented the following items/report.

1.       Scott Watershed Maintenance Office online meeting update.

2.       Jeremy Tikalsky contacted Clerk and advised that the outstanding NP Fire Department invoice to a Township property owner (discussed a previous meeting) was paid by the property owner.

3.       Election ballot for general election has been proofed and approved pursuant to County email/request.

4.       Review of election tape from primary election (88 in person voters)


Discussion of email from United Township Officers group regarding MAT/litigation and recent Court of Appeals Order.


Treasurer presented the following items/report.

1.       Review of Treasurer’s Report with Supervisors.

2.       Discussion of escrow balances and policy regarding escrow requirements going forward.

3.       Review of fund balances and discussion of road/bridge fund compared to road/bridge reconstruction fund.

4.       After review of Treasure’s Report and discussion and on motion by Wermerskirchen/Nytes, Treasurer’s Report approved and accepted as presented; carried unanimously


Wermerskirchen and Nytes both election judged at the primary in August. Wermerskirchen heard from Township residents while election judging at the primary regarding the condition of Raven Stream Park. Resident had concerns regarding weeds and playground equipment. Wermerskirchen contacted Steve Rynda Construction and Landscape LLC to provide additional park grounds maintenance to address weeds. Supervisors and Road Overseer will review condition of playground equipment during road review. Equipment was donated/loaned and at least some may not be the property of the Township.


The following occurred regarding snowplow quotes.

1.       Jason Haugen, Revolution Construction & Consulting, LLC, and Tom Johnson, Art Johnson Trucking, Inc., were present with quotes for snowplowing for the 2024/2025 winter season.

2.       Klehr Grading & Excavating, Inc. emailed Clerk prior to meeting and advised they would not be presenting a quote this year.

3.       Pharr & Away contacted Clerk regarding meeting time but did not attend meeting or provide a quote.

4.       Supervisors reviewed the two quotes presented and asked questions about equipment, chipping, salt, and other snow removal related issues. Wermerskirchen reminded the Board that at the annual meeting residents complained about the $5,000 guaranteed payment from the 2023/2024 quote by Johnson. Johnson’s 2024/2025 quote contained a provision for a $2,500 guaranteed payment but Johnson stated that he was willing to remove any provision for any guarantee payment amount.

5.       Motion by Wermerskirchen to accept Haugen quote. Following additional discussion by Supervisors, Deutsch called three times for a second and no second was made.

6.       Motion by Nytes/Deutsch to accept Johnson quote. Following additional discussion by Supervisors, including regarding requirement for professionalism/attitude of vendors/contractors, on motion by Nytes/Deutsch, Johnson quote accepted with revision of zero guaranteed payment; carried unanimously.

7.       Haugen discussed with Supervisors other work his company performs, including culverts, signs installation, emergency mailbox post installation in cold weather, and other work. Clerk advised Haugen to contact Road Overseer so that Township would have contact information and list of work if need arises for other work to be completed.


Clerk and Johnson presented the road report in the Road Overseer’s absence.

1.       Johnson advised Board that gravel roads have been graded.

2.       Clerk (using Road Overseer notes from email) and Johnson updated Board regarding property owner near Pleasant Lake who is concerned about not receiving same service as all other roads. Johnson advised Board that resident had seeded Township turnaround, which makes it difficult for grading/graveling access.

3.       Clerk reviewed Road Overseer email regarding other updates for Board

a.       Report by resident of overspray of seal coat by County on Lucy. Road Overseer checked on the issue and stated that the issue easily corrected by rubbing foot over gravel/seal coat. No additional action recommended by Supervisors.

b.       Road Overseer trimmed/cut trees as needed on 250th/Drexel and 257th/Juniper and took trimmings to compost.

4.       Johnson and Haugen advised the Board that Helena Township issues regarding graveling, grading, and resident comments are similar to other townships they work with.

5.       Wermerskirchen asked whether enough is being done to save gravel/rock from ending up in the grass and ditches and if there is more that can be done. Johnson advised that they already pull back what they are able to when grading/graveling.


Chair reconvened the annual meeting (motion by Nytes/Wermerskirchen; carried unanimously) for the purpose of discussing and setting the levy.

1.       Discussion of budget, expected and previous costs, appropriate/necessary fund balances, and shifting amounts between funds, particularly from road/bridge, road/bridge reconstruction, and general, including:

a.       Currently, road/bridge approximately $409K and road/bridge reconstruction approximately $558K.

b.       ARPA money used for amounts that would have been general or road/bridge reconstruction the last couple of years. All ARPA money has been used as of 2024 and will not be available to offset future costs/expenses.

c.       Review of past levies and bills paid 2022/2023.

2.       On motion by Nytes/Deutsch, levy approved for $115,000 – General, $249,310 – Road/Bridge, $81,191 – New Prague Fire, $31,500 – Jordan Fire, and $0 for Road/Bridge Reconstruction; carried unanimously.

3.       On motion by Wermerskirchen/Deutsch, Resolution 09052024 for levy certification approved as presented; carried unanimously.

4.       On motion by Wermerskirchen/Deutsch, annual meeting adjourned; carried unanimously.


The following old/other/new items were discussed.

1.       Deutch provided recap/review of Scott County Townships Chairs meeting with Scott County/Lezlie Vermillion, including regarding discussion of cannabis and minutes.

2.       Workshop scheduled for 9/18/2024 at 5 p.m. followed by Scott County Townships Association meeting at Spring Lake Town Hall at 7 p.m. Wermerskirchen will not be present for 9/18/2024 meetings.

3.       Fall road review needs to be scheduled and completed.

4.       TJ Deutsch has been doing a double pass mowing Township ditches for the fall mowing.

5.       Discussion of previous year ditch work/maintenance, gravel, and costs.

6.       Schoenbauer Farms, AA Endeavors, Kubes, Township Attorney, and Township Engineer plan to be at October regular meeting. Wermerskirchen requested Clerk contact Engineer to remind him to bring maps/surveys for review at meeting, obtain copies of DRT meeting minutes/notes and developer agreement, and make sure Attorney and Engineer are prepared for meeting. Deputy Clerk will check with Scott County for DRT minutes/notes and D/A and email Supervisors the same for review prior to October meeting. Board discussed content of previous meetings regarding this development.


At 8 p.m. on motion by Wermerskirchen/Nytes, meeting continued to 9/18/2024 Workshop at 5 p.m.; carried unanimously.




                Dated: 10/3/2024                                                             Dated: 10/3/2024


Respectfully submitted                                                 Approved




Heather M. Taylor DuCharme, Clerk                         Duane Deutsch, Chairperson




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