Helena Township Board of Supervisors Workshop Meeting
Agenda | May 17, 2023 | 5:00 p.m. | New Prague Fire Hall
Chair manages meetings with assistance from supervisors; wait to be recognized before speaking.
Act with courtesy and respect for differing views; limit debate to discussion of topic at hand.
*Meeting is in person. However, if you wish to join by ZOOM, notify the Clerk and join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86787076976.
Meeting ID: 867 8707 6976 | To join by phone, call either 312.626.6799 or 699.900.9128.
- Call to Order. Chairperson John Wermerskirchen.
- Treasurer’s Report.
- Road Overseer’s Report.
- Clerk’s Report.
- KML Geo Survey/Project Status
- Camper Cabin Project Meeting Update
- Old Business.
- New Business.
- Other Business.
- Motion to adjourn.