Meeting Minutes:
Workshop Meeting
This Meeting Occurred:
January 22, 2025
5:00 PM
At New Prague Fire Hall
Posted By: Clerk Of Helena Township
On: 02/10/25
The Meeting Minutes Were Recorded As Follows:
Helena Township Board of Supervisors
Workshop Meeting Minutes
Minutes of 1/22/2025 |New Prague Fire Hall
Call to Order
Workplace Safety Report
Treasurer Items
Supervisor Items
Road Overseer Items
Clerk/Deputy Clerk Items
Motion to Continue |
Workshop meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nytes at 5:25 p.m.
Chairperson Edward Nytes, Supervisor John Wermerskirchen, Supervisor DeAnn Croatt, Treasurer Nathan Hutton, Clerk Heather Taylor DuCharme, Deputy Clerk Kimberly Carlberg, and Road Overseer Jeff Haag. Duane Deutsch was present until 6:15 p.m.
Review and discussion of vendor claims, verification of payroll/meeting fee amounts/claims, invoice attachments to credit card statement, and PERA and payments to Deutsch for 2024/2025.
After review of claims and on motion by Wermerskirchen/Croatt, all claims were approved as presented for payment, including checks 6983-7000 and one ACH totaling $66,957.67; carried unanimously. Roll call votes: Nytes – yes; Wermerskirchen – yes; Croatt – yes. Pursuant to request by Treasurer and on motion by Croatt/Wermerskirchen, transfer of $66,957.67 from savings account to checking account approved; carried unanimously.
Review and discussion by Supervisors and Road Overseer of workplace safety policies. It was determined that no changes are needed to the policy. Road Overseer does not have any concerns about equipment or policy.
Treasurer presented the following items. 1. Waiting for W4s from some election judges. After Treasurer receives those W4s, he will prepare W2s and distribute them. Treasurer also needs election judge W4s and W2s to complete PERA exclusion reporting for 2024 (due by 1/31/2025). 2. Review of check not cashed by Couri & Ruppe PLLP before 12/31/2024. 3. Discussion that Supervisor approved transfer in the amount of $75,869.83 was not made as approved after the December 2024 regular meeting. The bank reached out to Treasurer regarding low balance in account and insufficient funds fees, at which time Treasurer instructed bank to transfer $45,000 to cover outstanding items and fees (two overdraft fees of $34 each ($68 total)). Treasurer offered to cover the overdraft fees personally but Supervisors declined offer. 4. Treasurer and Board addressed the need for a deputy treasurer and efforts to find and hire an appropriate person. 5. Review of CTAS status. 6. Review of Treasurer’s Report, funds, balances, year-end reports, and future review of necessary funds. After review of Treasure’s Report and discussion and on motion by Croatt/Wermerskirchen, Treasurer’s Report approved and accepted as presented; carried unanimously.
Supervisors discussed the following items: 1. Update on Schoenbauer Farms/AA Endeavors drawings, engineer communications, and escrow refund. 2. Review of back up procedures for Treasurer and Clerk files/data. 3. Review schedule of charges for additional revisions, including regarding driveway permits. Road Overseer to review and revise permits for approval at future meeting. 4. Update of status of Supervisors for Board of Equalization certifications and scheduling meeting. Clerk instructed to contacted Scott County regarding possible dates and the post and publish accordingly. 5. Croatt provided Clerk with additional certificates of insurance received in the mail. 6. Reviewed Cedar Lake Township shared road and cost calculations. Treasurer to review costs and prepare updated amount. 7. Croatt provided an update regarding information received from MAT on the proposed Code of Ethical Conduct. The Board signed the Code of Ethical Conduct. Discussion of reviewing this code annually when safety policy is reviewed. 8. Update on MAT Township Day at the Capitol status. Croatt and Nytes will carpool and Clerk, Deputy Clerk, and Diane Johnson will carpool. 9. Discussion of completing annual performance review for Road Overseer.
Road Overseer presented the following items: 1. 255th/Willow mailboxes are all in clusters. Post office representative said she would talk to the postal drivers and let Road Overseer know whether they want the swing away posts in clusters or at individual houses. Bob Terwedo still does mailbox posts for Scott County and the cost is $100 to install and $175 for materials for each mailbox post ($275 total/mailbox post). 2. Driveway permits without culvers have fees of $400, which includes mailbox post installation and materials of $275. Road Overseer will work on revisions to permits pursuant to Supervisor instructions. 3. Scott County emailed Road Overseer and Clerk regarding seal coating and crack filling for 2025. Road Overseer previously discussed needs with engineer. Road Overseer and engineer recommend no seal coating or crack filling for 2025 based on current conditions of road and planned/completed maintenance. 4. Replaced a sign on Camber that appeared to have been missing for some time. 5. Discussion of dust coating costs in relation to shared road maintenance agreement with Cedar Lake Township.
Clerk and Deputy Clerk presented the following items. 1. Letter received from a candidate for the MAT District 4 open seat. 2. CenterPoint Energy sent correspondence regarding geothermal pilot program. 3. February regular meeting may need to be held in smaller conference room instead of larger conference room. 4. Discussion of status and steps for 255th/Willow project.
At 6:50 p.m. on motion by Wermerskirchen/Croatt, meeting continued to 1/27/2025 MAT Township Day at the Capitol event where Croatt and Nytes will both be present with adjournment to follow; carried unanimously.
Dated: Dated:
Respectfully submitted Approved
Heather M. Taylor DuCharme, Clerk Edward Nytes, Chairperson